Ashlar-Vellum™   distributed in Australia by Cube Industrial Design Pty Ltd   Authorised Value Added Reseller of Designer Elements CAD software
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How Vellum Works

Linked below are six beginners tutorials on YouTube. These will give you an idea of how the interface works.

Although they are very basic operations the principles apply throughout the designer elements range.

Tutorial 1 the model window

Tutorial 2 trim tools

Tutorial 3 basic geometry

Tutorial 4 move, rotate, scale & mirror

Tutorial 5 real shapes

Tutorial 6 from lines to solids

Tutorial 7 model a 'G' clamp - A

Tutorial 8 model a 'G' clamp - B

In the screen above you can see a helical gear under construction in Cobalt. The finished gear is to the right.

We begin with the inner and out diameter of the teeth and a single tooth. The tooth is rotated and then trimmed to fit, rotated again as the final tooth shape.

Finally the profile and centre hole is extruded with a 30° twist.
While this is happening you can see that Vellum Drafting Assistant is helping to find the centre and quadrant of circles, the rotation centre of the teeth and mirror centre-lines.

The Drafting Assistant is used in Graphite, Argon, Xenon and Cobalt - it's what makes Vellum fast, easy and accurate.

Below is a typical workspace set-up for Ashlar Vellum Cobalt in MAC OSX